This year was way more fun being a parent at Christmas. MJ gets excited about presents and wants to play with them. She can open them for herself, too. Last year was a little weird wrapping presents and then opening them for her. It was fun putting the big presents in front of the tree when the kids were asleep and filling the stockings. We planned to be home on Christmas morning so we could take our time opening the presents and playing with them in the morning before having to get ready to head over to my parents' house for the celebration there.
The tree and presents all ready to go.
MJ got at trike! EJ got a push along car.
EJ opening his puzzle.
MJ loves her new stick horse. It sings and talks.
And here is a cute pic from a couple nights before. It was too cute not to include it. Had to get the pajamas in front of the tree shot.
Love the picture of the two kidlets in front of the tree. EJ's eyes are so beautiful (in a masculine way, of course--hee hee!)