So, sometimes I get a little bored when I am home with the kids. Not that there is a lack of things to get done around the house, but most of those things are either too hard to get done or finished with the kids around or so redundant (dishes, laundry, vaccuuming) that I am just not ready to do them again. Anyway, I have taken to recording my kids. Either with my camera, my phone or my flip camera. The videos on the two former options don't come out with the best quality. I wish I would carry my flip video with me more often.
I love how much language MJ has now and how easy it is to understand her. Although sometimes I understand her more than other people. I have started repeating practically everything she says so others can understand ther as well. I am impressed that Josh has understood her words better than myself at times. Lately, I've been doing some interviews with her. She doesn't talk all that much when we are out and about so people don't see how much language she has. I want to get it recorded more so that I can see her different stages when I look back. This isn't the best example of her language, but I think it is a cute video. In this video she is sitting on a antique scale which has become her new favorite seat in the house.
Way to go Maezie! She is amazing and so are you Mandi :) I miss you all so much already. I will post pics so you can show Maezie and that way she won't forget me while I'm gone!